Tuesday, March 31, 2009


holla everyone...

aku malas la nk crita love part 3..nnt2 la eh..hee~

oke,aku mau crita apa yg aku bt sbentar td.actually,td aku ada appoinment ngan sorang warga asing dari Mexico.namanya Daniel Hugo @ Kalilullah.uishh..matanya sungguh menawan.maklumla,mata mat salleh la katakan.usia mungkin dlm lingkungan hujung 30an atau awal 40an la.

yg bestnya pasal en.kalil ni beliau pandai cakap mlayu.kira kalo dia bertutur, org mesia bleh paham la.so,jgn sesekali mengutuk d dpn bliau dlm bhasa melayu ya nescaya beliau mmg paham.ok,dh menyimpang dh ni..

actually,aku jmpa dia sbb dia sedang mencari tenaga pengajar utk mengajar bahasa melayu kpd client beliau.aku mcm berminat,so aku pn kena la d temu duga dlu td..mula2 dgr dia bcakap tu bt aku nk tergelak yg amat..tp tahan ja la..bkn apa,aku rs sgt la pelik bila tgk secara fizikalnya mmg 100% mat salleh,buleh ckp mlayu.oh ya,aku ngan rosie time tu.kmi mmg dok tahan ja gelak.hehehe~

pastu bila time dia interview tu..ha,br kelam kabut nk menjawab soklan..dok 'err..err' ja..padan muka aku..haha~ mula2 dia tnya latar blakang aku,pstu tnya plak pengalaman aku ms skolah rendah.iyerr..skolah rendah..aku pon tanpa segan silu..berceritala dengan penuh bersemangat tp terketar2..haha~dh la ms tu dr.sutarji pn ada gak.owhh..malu sungguh..huhu~

well..aku redahhh jeerr..jwb ja apa yg ptut..then,this coming thursday dia nk jmpa kitorang utk sesi percubaan mengajar kt umah client plak.nerves den.dhla kt bangi.aku pon tak penah plak la bjalan2 kt area bangi tu.takpa..aku redahhhh jerrr nnt..

p/s : nnt aku update apa yg tjadi kt umah client tu yerr..hihi~

Friday, March 27, 2009

Love : Part 2

hye there..

oke..oke..atas permintaan ramai aku huraikan kisah cinta kedua aku.TETAPI aku hanya bt trivia la eh,sbb aku maleh la nk crita lebih2 psl si dia nih.bt pedih jiwa ja.haih~

  1. kisah cinta ini berlaku ms aku final year..
  2. si dia merupakan rakan sekolej aku d upm..
  3. rupa sgt la innocent..sbb tu aku kata 'YA' bila di aapproach..
  4. buleh kenal sbb si dia seangkatan kumpulan tarian zapin ngan aku..
  5. rapat time bulan posa..dia siap masakkan aku sahur gitew~
  6. couple dkt2 tarikh birthday aku,tp bila smpai my date birthday langsung dia tak wish aku.even dh bgtau that day was my birthday-->but still manage to forgive him..
  7. sgtla berjimat cermat orgnya..
  8. sbb tu slalu masak memasak..dan aku penah la rs masakan si dia..SEDAP -->extra point for him..
  9. kmi ni dok blok seblah menyeblah ja..tp dating buleh kira beberapa kali shaja..slalu jmpa,but tak hang out lama2 pon..ckup skadar bertanya khabar-->yg ni la yg bt point si dia berkurangan dgn drastiknya..
  10. pandai bt aku tersenyum bersendirian..(hah?)
  11. si dia suka bersukan --> tambah lg point..

TETAPI..seluruh point yg aku kumpul slama 3 bulan tu trus lenyap pabila at one night dia minta ptus..ketika itu aku tgh menghadiri annual dinner K6..bayangkan,ktika org lain tgh syok2 bergambar aku plak terkedu kt meja mkn sorang2.bertakung ja airmata d mata.tp tak nanges pon la.aku pon kata..FINE~kita ptus..maka berakhirlah hubungan kmi...

msti korang tertanya2 kn knapa dia mintak putus.apa aku dh bt smpai dia yg mintak ptus tu?actually,sehari seblum tu aku bertelingkah dan bertegang urat ngan dia.gaduh atas alasan tak munasabah.kesalahan yg aku tak bt pon.aku dh ckp brulang kali aku tak bt pon benda tu.tp aku rs dia tak percayakan aku.so,sbb tu kot dia mintak putus.aku rs agk kesal la sbb dia tak percayakan aku time tu.dan aku slalu rs msti dia dh hilang rs hormat kt aku lpas kes tu.tp aku redha je la.sbb aku mmg tak buat perkara yg dtuduh itu.

haaa..mula2 dulu itulah tanggapan aku..RUPA2NYA..slepas lebih kurang sebulan ptus ngan dia br aku dpat tau dia main kayu 5 kt blakang aku ms ktorang tgh couple dulu tu.hoh,tak sangka sungguh.muka ja nmpak sgt innocent,tp prangai~Tuhan ja yg tau..haih~

patutla beriya2 mencari kesalahan aku..rupanya sdg mencari point nk mintak putus..yg bagusnya tu,selang beberapa hari ptus ngan aku trus couple ngan sorang awek nih,budak kolej aku gak..gila tak berkembang connectionnya..haih~dia ingat kalo bercouple ngan junior kolej ingat aku tak dpt detect ka..pastu yg harunya d tambah plak 2-3 cawangan lain..budak kolej gak..isk3..hebatkan beliau?

tp tu la..bila d pikir2kan kembali..elok gak la aku ptus ngan dia..at least aku dh tau dia mcm tu..takdala aku menyesal d kemudian hari..btul tak?bila aku dh tau perkara yg sebenar tu,aku pn dh brenti blame diri sndri..so,kpd si dia..pulanglah ke pangkal jln..tak baik mainkan perasaan org nih..tp dgr kabar,si dia dh ada someone yg betul2 bertakhta d hati..elok la tu..smoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..

p/s : yes,u r forgiven..but still it will not be forgotten..aite~

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Love : Part 1

holla everyone =)

hurm..topik aku pd hari ini ialah kisah cinta aku.well,sehingga kini ni kan 3 kali aku pernah melalui zaman bercinta.actually,bkan la bercinta sgt tp lebih kpd bercouple.aku ni jenis bila dh bercouple br akan mula tunjukkan syg.sbb aku memiliki sikap curious yg agak tinggi terhadap lelaki yg berusaha menawan hati aku nih.so,harus bsabar sikit dgn aku ya.hoh,ego sungguh aku ni kan.haih~

Love Part 1 : oke,akan aku mulakan dgn kisah cinta pertama aku.si dia merupakan cinta pertama aku.i mean, insan pertama yg brani mengapproach aku.pada tika itu aku merupakan pelajar tahun pertama d UPM.dan si dia pula berada d USM.hurm,aku dan dia merupakan rakan sekolah.ntah mcm mana aku buleh rapat dgnnya,aku pn tak brapa pasti.tp ms zaman matrikulasi la aku mula lg rapat dgnnya.slalu sms.sms je la yg mampu sbb si dia kt pusat matrikulasi lain.aku pulak ms zaman matrikulasi mengalami pelbagai masalah emosi.mcm2 masalah emosi yg remeh la yg cba aku perbesarkan time tu.aku rs zaman matrikulasi merupakan zaman krisis identiti aku yg PALING kronik.bila ingat2 balik,bodoh betulla aku time tu.aku dh lepaskn 1 peluang utk membuktikan kecemerlangan akademik aku.Fairuz,awatla jd lagu tu.haih~

oke,balik pd kisah si dia.d sebabkan masalah emosi aku tu la aku slalu msg2 dia.aku tak da la luahkan masalah aku,cuma aku slesa bila aku down, dia ada.utk pengetahuan smua,aku ni bknnya jenis yg senang meluahkan apa yg tersirat d hati.jd bila aku ada someone by my side aku dh ckup rs secure walopon org tu tak tau pn apa masalah aku.kehadirannya sj dh melegakan aku..haa,senang kn nk layan aku ni..hehe..

well,ms dlm sesi mengenali hati budi tu kan (ece..ayat cliche artis gitu..)aku dh rs this relation mcm dh mula mengorak langkah ke fasa seterusnya.dia plak time tu ada ckp dia suka kt seseorang.ms tu aku brada pd tahap konpius tp eksaited sama ada adakah aku org tu?atau org lainkah?then,aku pn just bg smangat kt dia trus terang ja kt that girl.kemudiannya,baru la aku tau bahawa sbenarnya dia suka kt org lain.sedih jugak sbenarnya.tetapi selang beberapa hari,dia mula mengapproach aku..akhirnya...TETAPI..aku tak tau la kenapa lpas2 kejadian aku tau bukan aku pilihan pertamanya,aku jd marah.prasaan aku berkata "oooo,bila tak dpt org tu br dtg cari aku ya.."..dan aku pon menolak utk jd someone special si dia.bodoh tak tindakan aku tu?kemudian dia tak juga putus asa..tetap berusaha menawan hatiku dan aku pulak tak juga putus asa utk menolak.(apsal la aku degil sgt nih).haih~

sampaila aku masuk UPM.satu ketika tu dlm bulan 11 aku pn mengatakan 'YA'..mula2 tu aku rs happy sbb ada someone special dlm hati aku,tp aku tak dpt nk tipu diri sendiri aku tak bahagia.aku tak suka hubungan jarak jauh ni.kalo buleh aku nk tatap muka dia slalu.ala,masa tu kan MMS tak brapa nk ada lg.dan bila aku fikir2 balik aku rs mcm tak serasi dgn dia.mmg dia baik.sgt baik.memahami.tp aku putuskan jugak hubungan kami tu.aku akui mmg akulah puncanya.aku mmg tak bertindak adil.aku hanya fikir prasaan aku ja time tu.aku tak hirau perasaan dia.dan secara kesimpulan aku akui silap aku sebab aku sgt demand time tu.maklumla,first time bercouple.menjangkakan yg terbaik sj dari dia.padahal aku sendiri bukanla sebagus mana pun.tindakan bodoh kan?aku dh tau ada lelaki yg sanggup sayang aku.malah aku tau dia boleh sayang aku lebih dari aku sayangkn dia,tp aku dh lepaskan peluang tu.aku tak bg peluang pn kt dia utk tunjuk kn syg dia pd aku.(Fairuz,u've made stupid mistake again..haih~)

tp..smua tu dh pun berlaku..nak menyesal pon tak guna..aku pn tau dia mmg benci aku lpas2 kmi ptus.ye lah,mana tak bencinya..aku seolah2 memainkan prasaan dia..then,senang2 plak aku mintak putus atas alasan yg aku rs aku patut bg pluang kt dia tlebih dulu.tp hakikatnya,aku faham perasaan dia.mmg patut pon dia benci aku. jdnya,aku nk ambil pluang ni nk mintak maaf bt kesekian kalinya pd si dia."sy mintak maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki,awk lelaki pertama yg ajar sy erti menghargai apa yg kita ada.sesungguhnya sy rs menyesal atas perbuatan sy tak menghargai awk dulu..maafkan sy..dn sy tau awk sungguh bahagia kini dan sy tumpang gembira.. =)"

p/s : fin of the Love Part 1..Love Part 2 will be considered to be published or not,because it will be a lot of curse words.maybe i'll just skip to Love Part 3,ok?hehe~

by the way,frog is the mascot during our relation..just in case u wonder why there are frogs in this entry..hehe~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When Rainbows End~

I like rainbow. so,for this entry i would like to give some brief explanation about rainbow. knowledgeble oke.. =)

Rainbows are a striking and beautiful meteorological phenomenon caused by the refraction of light. In order for rainbows to form, the sun must be near the horizon, and there must be a heavy fog, mist, or rain opposite the sun. An observer standing between the sun and the rainbow would see a 180 degree arc of colors which run through the visible spectrum from red to violet. In some cases, if conditions are right, double rainbows will form, with a pale rainbow in reversed colors above the primary rainbow, and in other instances, a fully circular rainbow has been observed, usually from inside an aircraft flying over the Earth.

Although rainbows have been observed, written about, and depicted in art for centuries, their cause was not understood until physics began to explore the properties of light. Essentially, the cause of a rainbow is the reflection of sunlight through individual drops of water. Light enters the water and reflects from the opposite side of the water drop, bouncing back through the point of entry. Because the angle or refraction of the light changes as it bounces back, it filters the light into different colors, which arrange themselves with red at the top and violet at the bottom because red is the longest wave length, and violet is the shortest.

People seeking rainbows should go outside when the sun is near the horizon and there has been a heavy rain, or there is an active storm. If the observer turns his or her back to the sun and looks in the direction which is immediately opposite the sun, he or she may see rainbows if the conditions are right, with the apex of the arc located directly opposite the sun. In some instances, light conditions are right for rainbows to form in close proximity to an observer: otherwise, the rainbow will continue to look as though it is moving away from the pursuer until it finally disappears altogether, because the observer has actually passed through it.

the colours of rainbow melt my heart...ooo la la~

Friday, March 20, 2009

misteri Ari~

hye there..

hurmm..my fellow friends keep asking me "who is Ari?","is he ur new bf?","why hiding him from us?","fairuz..who's Ari?kitorang tak tau pn"..haa,people always said scorpion is a mysterious type of person kan.betul la tu.hihi.but,bcause i want u all to know who is Ari and i think he doesn't mind if i exposed him to u,i will spill the mystery of Ari..

ok..i admit Ari is my special 'someone'..to be honest quite everyday we see each other and he always accompany me to the class..he's cool and he always listen to my bable everytime we spent time together..walopon i always show my talented sumbang singing in front of him..sorry la Ari..hehe..1 more thing is, he always accompany me and my friends go out shopping.dia sgt sabar melayan kerenah aku..u have to la kan Ari sbb i'm a spoil princess..hikhik..

BUT truthfully i believe i've not been a good partner for him.well,i have never been in a situation where i need to give my love before.to show how much i care about him is not what i'm good at.i think i'm a lousy person in order to make my beloved person feel happy.i feel so sorry to Ari to have me to take good care of him because i believe he's not so happy with me but still to try so hard to fullfil my needness.its very nice of u n i am really thank u for all u've done to me.and i believe if we spent time together a little bit more we can be such a great item.thanks again Ari.

enuff the drama i guess..msti korang dh menyampah membaca..so now,i would like to introduce to the rest of the world, MY ARI...tadaaaaa~

haaaa..tu la Ari..kt blakang aku..my mighty white kenARI..hahahaha....

p/s : GOTCHA!!!

sesi meditasi~

disebabkan aku masih terasa kepanasan dlm jiwa,makanya aku pn bermeditasi dgn menatap gambar2 dlm folder sambil mendengar lagu2 best dgn harapan aku akan kembali tersenyum..dannnnn...feedbacknya bkan senyuman yg aku bt tetapi gelak tawa yg terjadi.sedang aku selongkar folder gambar aku tu, i was stumbled upon with these pics.please dont say anything mean ok.hihi~

ni lah rupanya kalo aku cuak.tau tak knapa ekspresi aku begitu?kisahnya,time aku ngan rosie nk begambar tu kan,dh siap posing nih tetiba aku menatap ke atas ada sekor siamang kt atas pokok tengah aim baik punya nak pancut kt ktorang..ewwwww...maka lantasnya,begitulah ekspresi mukaku untuk mengelak pancutan urin siamang-yang-dengki-kitorang-tak-tangkap-gambar-dia tu.mulai dari ari tersebutla aku mulai membencii siamang, monyet, beruk dan seluruh spesisnya.(macamla aku suka spesis monyet seblum nih..hehe).actually,dulu tak suka,sekarang dah benci oke.mcm prasaan aku kt sorang mamat tu la.

haa..gmbar ni plak lg la bt aku gelak sakan.masa ni aku darjah 4.lokasi kejadian d umah aku kt gombak..eiiiii...tembam nya aku..tanpa was was lg.bulat sungguh.pastu buleh plak bt gaya ala2 model naive tuh.siap silang2 kaki lg.dh nmpak dh bakat modeling aku tu.hahaha.tp apakan daya aku tak cukup memanjang ke ats,hnya mampu melebar ke sisi.hikhik.

maaf ye..ni gmbar atas gmbar..aku tak dak scanner,so bginilah caranya.hehe.btw,gambar ni ms aku tingkatan 3.lokasinya pula d taman ular kt perlis.masa ni aku ngan warga SMK Ibrahim join lawatan lepas PMR.(fairuzara,sy rs awk pon join kn lawatan ni?hehe..) aku ni punyalah takot ular tp menggagahkan diri gak ambik gambar ngan ular sawa tu.tgk muka pon dh tau betapa gelinya aku di lilit ular tu.huhu.lpas2 je pegang ular tu trus aku g basuh tgn.cam melekit je lpas pgang ular..eeee...dan sampai skarang pon aku masih takot dan geli dgn ularrr...

haa..itu dia gmbar2 yg bejaya bt aku gelak dan tersenyum smula..the thing is,senang je nk bt aku cool down ni..dgn tgk gambar diri sendiri..haha~

p/s : btw,bout that guy yg bt aku pissed off tu kan..GO TO HELL la~ (isk..suka suki aku je suro dia g neraka kan..tp takpe..suka hati aku la kan..huahua~)


hoh..tersangatla panas hatiku tika ini..panas!panas!panas!arggghhhhhhhhhhh..bengang..daku bengang..ok!if that what u really want,mr.Z..then,i'll give what u want..i promise to myself i will never ever feel please to start any conversation with u forever..yes,FOREVER..i will totally treat u as stranger..really jerk stranger~

p/s : i am so MAD..UPSET..ANGRY..DISAPPOINTED..FRUSTRATED to tell the whole story rite now..maybe next time ya.. =(

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

my love need~

something that i crave about what i need in my love life.i need someone who loves me with every single beat of his heart, someone who thinks about me`constantly, someone who spends every minute of every day just wondering what i am doing, where i am, who i'm with and if i'm ok. I need someone who`can help me reach my dreams and who can protect me from fears. I need someone who will treat me with respect, love every part of me, especially my flaws.I need to be with someone who can make me happy, really2 happy, dancing-on-air happy...

p/s : please..please..please..be there when i'm awake tomorrow..

Aku,Dia dan Ari...

hye there..

well..hari ni dh masuk hari ke brapa ntah hp aku tak berfungsi dgn baik.check punya check rupa-rupanya mikropon yg rosak.patutla tiap kali aku angkat tepon, org yg call aku tu tak dgar sora aku.penat aku dok "hello..hello..hello".ni msti sbb hp aku ni tjatuh dgn tragis ats lantai simen tempoh hari.haih~terbatas sgala aktiviti komunikasi aku.seb baik sms buleh pakai.kalo tak,ada yg kna tauk ikut tingkap lpas ni.tapikan ada gak la hikmahnya aku tak dpat berkomunikasi tu.selain daripada angka bil yg menurun,secara tidak langsungnya aku telah memberi latihan praktikal yang tuntas kpada papa untuk berSMS.haha.skrang ni papa dh laju oo balas msg aku.hebatlah papa.hehe.tp malangnya,kaedah ini tak berkesan bt mama sbb stiap kali aku msg replynya msti tgh mlm tersebut atau keesokkan harinya.jd,utk berkomunikasi dgn lancar ngan parents, aku hanya sms dgn papa ja la.dan harapnya d sampaikan kpd mama.ampun mama.he~

isk..susahla tak buleh ckap2 thru hp ni.aritu Ari mrajuk.dia mrajuk ngan aku sbb tinggal dia dlm2 hujan tu.aisey,aku ingatkan dia ok.tak tau plak dia sensitif.dah la aku tak brapa reti bab2 memujuk ni.kalo pasal Ari ni buleh bt aku tak dak mood andai dia mrajuk ngan aku.kaedahnya,tpaksala aku tepon mereka yg bpengalaman untuk mintak pendapat, guna public phone.haa..back tu the basic..tringat plak zaman skolah menengah rendah dulu.kalo nk suro mama or papa mai amik aku lpas klas tambahan kt skolah,bgitulah caranya.jenuh nk kena cari duit syiling.seb baik gak la aku ada bt koleksi duit syiling kt sni.haih~

back to Ari..then,ptg tu aku pjuk2 skit,trus dh ok.ahhh..lega..tp dalam hati tetap berkata "ngada2 jugak la dia ni.."..haih..tp apa2 pun aku tetap akan mencuba menyayangi Ari..give me some times,orait dear? =)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

my nyte~

hello everybody!!

well, i am now officially will using this blog as my place to tell every single thing which nested in my heart and mind.ok.i WISH to tell everything i want but it is obviously people are going read my blog (hah,ada kerr?) and everybody could access it then i will probably be more careful in order to make any entry..hehe..

Okay,today i would like to make my first entry by telling about what i've been doing last night. Well, last night i have watched this movie which is the sequence from the TV drama. The title is KAMI the movie. I've been craving to watch this movie since last year, but i never get the chance to do so,so last night while wasting my time by YOUTUBING i came across into this movie. Just type 'KAMI the movie' and wallah..it appeared..

I'm not going to bable about the whole of the story but i will tell why and what i like about this movie.It is about 5 teenagers Ali(my gosh..he's cute), Abu(this man is absolutely suitable to be my bf..hee),Lynn(gothic look a like..but still a cute girl),Adii(she's so funky) and Sofie(very sweet and soft girl). They are bestfriends but in the same time each of them has their own secrets and problems. They did not tell their problems and secrets to each other but it still turn out they can be a very very close friends. They need not to push themselves to share their secrets in order to be bestfriends. What they did is just be by each others side when any of them have a problem,like what a true friend should do.That is why and what I like bout this story. The bonding between them. (Beside the cuteness and the hotness of the hunks in this movie..hehe).

Anyway,I was really touched by this movie. REALLY2 touched. Even my tears can't afford to sit still in the eyes..huhu..dramatic~

Ok. It seems like i am promoting u to watch this movie. It is and all i can say that it is worth to watched this movie.. =)

p/s : As for whom who have a sensitive feeling like i do, please ready a packfull of tissue. it is usable at the end of the movie. Come to think about it again, make me realise how fragile my heart is..haih~ m(T_T)m